Forget the veil this hatred goes even further…Miss America!

I suppose racial hatred, fear of anyone who is not white still runs deep in the land of liberty and home of the brave. You know I am not surprised.

One has only to read the posts on MyT to know there is not difference between these folk spewing hatred and those that preach hatred for all things ‘white’ . Both are poisoned by their own fear…imprisoned in their deluded world of ‘freedom’. 


Nina Davuluri, 24, (of Indian Origin) had this to say after winning the Miss America pageant held in Atlantic City on September 15, 2013: “I’m so happy this organization has embraced diversity. I’m thankful there are children watching at home who can finally relate to a new Miss America.”

The native of Syracuse, New York wants to be a doctor, and is applying to medical school, with the help of a $50,000 scholarship she won as part of the pageant title.

This sentiment was not shared by all Americans. “When her win was announced, Twitter immediately exploded with hateful tweets,” says Buzzfeed. This is America, said those outraged by her win:

The tweeter POOKIE thinks anyone brown must be Arab!

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