Humans are dogs – pack animals but without the loyalty of a canine.

Pic by Mark Ulyseas

He has been travelling for nearly seven years now ruminating on and capturing  the  word  and the embedded subtle nuances of a life, a life free of credit cards, bank accounts and the odd financial rigmarole…a  comforting disconnection from the ebb and flow of the daily grind.

Everything seemed and appeared to be in sync until he met a woman who stole his heart, ran away and then ran over it with disinterest. Nothing in his fragile life could deal with such an accident and hence death came knocking with the grim reaper grinning like a Cheshire cat.

What is to be done?

What is to be achieved?

What is to be left for those that thrive on delusion?


But a word, a gesture to be remembered and a sepia print of days gone by.

Goodbye is such a beautiful word…it encompasses everything…

… except a lie.