Is Britain a safe haven for Jihadists?

I just read this news item and it leaves one dumb struck by how this great country, Britain, breeds/hosts/and offers a safe haven for rabid Islamists.

Pakistani Malala Yousufzai 15years and British Citizen Anjem Choudary

News Item

British Islamists to issue fatwa against Malala Yousafzai

A new British-based Islamist group plans to meet in Islamabad to issue a religious decree against a Pakistani schoolgirl shot by the Taliban, accusing her of supporting “occupying” US forces.

Anjem Choudary, a prominent radical cleric in Britain, said the fatwa could be issued on November 30 at Lal Masjid, one of Pakistan’s most notorious mosques, where a 2007 army raid crushed a Taliban-style movement controlling the compound.

Neither Baraa nor Choudary would say what punishment Yousufzai might face if the group found her guilty of violating Islam.

End of Report