Indigenous Ecuadorians to protest at Chevron Annual Shareholder Meeting!

Amazon Watch
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Dear Mark,

Send Chevron CEO John Watson a wake-up call now!

Amazon Watch activists will be joining a large coalition of labor groups, community organizers, climate activists, and other environmentalists tomorrow at a protest outside of Chevron’s annual shareholder meeting. While protesters call out Chevron for putting profits ahead of people and the planet outside, I’ll be going inside the meeting with people from communities impacted by Chevron operations around the world.

Two of the brave Ecuadorians suing Chevron for a clean up of its massive oil contamination in the Amazon – Luz Trinidad Andrea Cusangua and Robinson Yumbo – will travel to San Ramon, CA to take their calls for justice directly to the company.

Chevron needs to know that for every impacted community member like Luz and Robinson inside and for every protester outside the shareholder meeting, there are thousands more people who couldn’t be in San Ramon but stand with us nonetheless. Can you call Chevron CEO John Watson and ask him to take responsibility for his company’s oily mess in Ecuador?

Our friends at RAN have set up a page that has everything you need to make a wake-up call to Watson: Phone number, sample call script, and a form so you can report back to us how the call went. Make a call now!

Even a large number of Chevron shareholders feel the company’s executive team has badly mismanaged the Ecuador lawsuit. One recently wrote: “Chevron’s actions are hurting shareholders as well as the indigenous people of the rainforest.” You can be sure Chevron shareholders will make their voices heard at the meeting, just as Luz and Robinson will be making their calls for justice in Ecuador loud and clear.

Chevron CEO John Watson needs to hear from you, too!

Robert CollierRobert Collier
Corporate Campaigns Director