Urgent message from Ibu Robin Lim, Bumi Sehat, Ubud, Bali

Hi Mark,

Please let the world know that Bumi Sehat needs help, now.
Love, Ibu Robin
Ibu Robinʼs Field Report, August 2010 Bumi Sehat Bali and Aceh, Indonesia

We have had unseasonable rain here in Indonesia, as I write the sky is again dark and
heavy with clouds. Before 8 a.m. today in Bali, we had already received three new
babies into this world! All the mothers are resting and breastfeeding their healthy

Sadly this is not so for the beautiful mother, Sari, who came into Bumi Sehat two weeks
ago. Sari had not come to see us before she began her labor. She had had no prenatal
care, no vitamins, and was very malnourished. Her baby, still in the womb and just
hours away from birth, had died in the night. She had felt kicking quite strongly, and
then nothing in the morning. The staff midwives called to tell me this mom arrived with
no fetal heartbeat. I ran to the clinic. As Sariʼs husband saw me arriving at Bumi Sehat
he said to his wife, “Oh it’s going to be OK now, Ibu Robin is here.” Of course my heart
sank, as I could not bring their baby back to life. We could give them kind free services,
and hope to soothe their pain, but I don’t know how parents survive such a loss. This
Babyʼs umbilical cord was only 20 centimeters long, it simply was too short and pulled
away from the baby, causing him to die before his birth. Plenty of nutritious foods help
the umbilical cord to grow long. This cord was too short for the baby to survive, due to
poverty and maternal hunger.

I have spent the past two weeks pondering fate, and the fact that perhaps had this
mother-to-be found Bumi Sehat sooner, and had she taken the Perfect Prenatal
vitamins that we give away thanks to the blessing of New Chapter, perhaps her baby
would have made it. As I wonder, I pray that more mothers on this planet do get the
nutrients and clean water and loving support that they need to bring healthy, intelligent,
happy babies into this world. Thanks to all of you, family, friends, donors, sponsors, we
are able to give thousands of women each year prenatal care, which lowers the risks of
pregnancy and childbirth.

Remember the Twins born in Aceh after the Tsunami took two of Ibu Ellys children?
Today the family still lives in poverty, but their sister, Yenni, will soon finish midwifery school
sponsored by Bumi Sehats donors!

This is a letter of gratitude to thank you for all the help you have given Bumi Sehat. The
patient statistics for the clinic-birthing center in Bali and the Tsunami Relief clinic-birth
center in Aceh, plus the educational, environmental and capacity building projects that
you support, reflect your devoted partnership with us. Your support relieves suffering,
and I do believe that together we are building world peace.

Next I must ask for more help. The world economy has made it increasingly difficult for
me to find the funding that Bumi Sehat needs to keep our clinics and projects alive.
Again, I appeal to all of you who have been so generous already over many years,
please continue to help Bumi Sehat. Team Bumi and I are not willing to cut back
services. Every way we look at the day-to-day reality of what we do at Bumi Sehat, it is
obvious that there is no program or project that is not essential. The people here need
these services. Be it prenatal care, births, postpartum and breastfeeding support,
pediatric, general or alternative medicine, all are necessary and the people here are full
of gratitude for the help YOU provide via your donations to Bumi Sehat.

A short review of what your donations to Bumi Sehat have accomplished so far in 2010
Total Patients & Students Helped: 17,096
Bumi Sehatʼs Earthquake relief effort in Haiti:

Note: for the purpose of sustainability Bumi Sehat turned the
Haiti Birth center over to another NGO in late June 2010
Patient Statistics Haiti Clinic February – June 2010

Prenatal Visits: 1,400
Births: 87
Pediatric Care: 785
Total Patients cared for in Haiti: 2,272

Bumi Sehat Bali Clinic Patient Statistics January ~ July 2010
Pregnancy Check ups: 2,323
Births: 256
Postnatal Care/Breastfeeding Support 210
Pediatric care: 93
Alternative medical treatments: 604
General medical visits: 1,505
Total Patients cared for in Bali: 4,991
Bumi Sehat Aceh Clinic Patient Statistics January ~ July 2010
Pregnancy Check ups: 768
Births: 54
Postnatal care: 179
General medical visits: 8,415
Total Patients cared for in Aceh: 9,416
Bumi Sehat Bali Youth Center Student Statistics January ~ July 2010
Computer skills: 141 students completed course
English language: 276 students completed course
Total Students improving their education at Bumi Sehat: 417

Please consider making a charitable contribution to Yayasan Bumi Sehat. We are
grateful for your partnership in this journey of service for humanity.
Online Donations: You may donate via credit card or Paypal via our website:

Yayasan Bumi Sehat
Nyuh Kuning Village
PO Box 116, Ubud, Bali 80571 Indonesia
Phone: +62 361 970 002
Fax: +62 361 972 969
Email: info@bumisehatbali.org

Helping hands at Bumi Sehat Bali ~ where each day a miracle of Peace is born!
Thank You! Terima Kasih!