Life Matters (?) by Mark Ulyseas

Live Encounters Magazine July 2020 

When a black man is publicly killed by a policeman in the West all hell breaks loose. A black man’s life in the West is more precious than a black man’s life in Africa, or for that matter anywhere else(?). Perhaps that is why the Rwanda Massacre did not elicit a response from the very people who are presently resorting to arson, looting and mindless violence in the West. In the Rwanda Genocide 800,000 blacks were killed by other blacks in a 100-day spree of slaughter ( And this is just one example where blacks have slaughtered their own kind. But these lives don’t matter because they are not being killed in the West.

When the USA and Britain invaded Iraq, bombed and all but destroyed the country, which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, there was a deafening silence by those presently violently ‘rising up’ against racial discrimination in the West. Where were these people then?

When terrorists attacked a media office in Paris and killed people Face Book was flooded with ‘Pray for Paris’. Where was the grief or even a semblance of genuine concern for the people of Iraq, innocent people who had done no harm to either USA or Britain?

When Libya was deliberately dismantled by Western powers not much happened on the streets of the West to protest such action. Now, black slaves are sold in open markets in Libya for as little as 200 dollars. Where are Obama and Hilary Clinton who spoke eloquently about ‘civil & human rights’ with emphasis on the Middle East?

When Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing and spoke about a ‘just war’, increased bombing in Afghanistan etc. he was greeted with standing ovations. His drone campaign killed many innocent men, women and children. Obama ended his bloody reign by dropping over 26,000 bombs in 2016.

But Obama is eulogised in his country because he worked for the ‘benefit’ of his country, not the world and because he was black US citizens could shrug off the white man’s burden as if the country’s historical wrongs could be absolved by his election to the most powerful office. What he did in the international arena was, tragically, of no concern to the citizens of his country. This has been the modus operandi of US Presidents since John F Kennedy, who ‘authorised the use of deadly defoliant chemicals’ to be dropped on (then) south Vietnam, on November 1961.

Today over three million Vietnamese are maimed, the second generation of horrible and genetically disfigured children. But no one in the West appears to be too concerned about this.

What a shame. Their lives are of no matter.

None of these so called mass murders can be deemed a holocaust for this term is exclusively reserved for Europeans and what happened in World War Two in Europe.

What occurs in the West is the yardstick by which the rest of the world is judged. What is done to the rest of the world is inconsequential.

And why should one stop here? The West continues to lecture all countries about equal rights and the much abused phrase ‘human rights’, while it has ‘factorised’ the production of animal body parts on an industrial scale. Abuse of farm factory animals in inhumane conditions has been extensively documented across the USA, UK and the European Union.

Some facts of U.S. farmed animals.

Broiler chickens (99.9%) live on factory farms
Turkeys (99.8%) live on factory farms
Egg chickens (98.2%) live on factory farms
Pigs (98.3%) live on factory farms
Cows (70.4%) live on factory farms

So it would appear that the lives of animals in farm factories in the West and those of people in the rest of the world are in the same category – disposable.

And then we have slavery.

The toppling of statues by sanctimonious crowds who feel they can erase history by their actions have failed to understand the very basic nature of their present culture – profit at any cost.

An Irish relative suggested that the statues should remain but a ‘bio’ added to each one to educate all about the horrendous actions of the exalted figures. This, in a way, would add a constructive perspective to enlightening present and future generations in the West.

Interestingly, slave trade also extends to those who are pathetically underpaid by corporations…in many areas the minimum wage is not paid to bona fide citizens. We can conveniently ‘overlook’ the illegals that work on farms, and who are often held captive by ‘modern day slave traders’?

And then there is the lucrative business of buying and selling of underage children, some as young as a few years old, for the purpose of sexual exploitation. (The FBI’s Joseph Campbell says child exploitation in the US has reached near-epidemic levels – .)

Girls as old as 9 are being bought and sold –

Slavery was never abolished like some western countries would have the world believe. It has just taken on another ominous avatar.

Slavery has become institutionalised with the manufacture of products by slave labour in other countries and sold in the West. Purchase of these products makes the consumer complicit in the slave trade. Ironically, many of these consumers are out on the streets protesting against edifices of slave traders of the past.

The astounding statistics of cruelty towards farm animals, wild animals and blood sport (killing of wild animals and unarmed people of all hues) in the West, particularly in the USA, seems to defy all sensibilities commonly associated with a ‘civilised state’. But who speaks for all these living beings? And why is it that when words are spoken it is always in black or white, and not about true justice for all living beings?

Life is not only precious for some in a particular country. If reparations are to be paid to the descendants of slaves then all those enslaved today in the sex industry, farming etc. must all be recompensed. And further the descendants of black slave traders in Africa and present day traders in slaves must also pay their share… Justice for all or justice for none.

Selective indignation and rigorous enforcement of social labelling assists in creating a failed society/ State, preceded, of course, by a violent form of liberalism that now appears to be throttling true freedom by preventing any form of speech that faintly addresses inconsistencies of perceived virtues. A warped narration based on misinformation, disinformation, selective morality and twisted subjective truth is now fast becoming the ‘new normal’.

The mob has spoken, all must abide.

Some references

US Threatens International Criminal Court (15/03/2019) –
Stealing a Nation by John Pilger –
Farm Animals Need Our Help –
FBI, What we investigate –
More than 100 sex trafficking victims rescued across US amid busts, FBI says –
Farm workers walk a fine line between exploitation and forced labour –
Modern slavery in the UK: March 2020 –
Modern slavery: Are British victims being failed in the UK? –
Forced labour most prevalent form of modern slavery in Europe, says report –
List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor, report by U.S.Department of Labor –,and%20diamonds%20are%20most%20common.
Black men gun down black retired Police Captain.

© Mark Ulyseas


‘I am Bali’

I am Bali

by Mark Ulyseas

I came to this isle a long time ago bearing the supreme gift of faith, among the many fabulous delights of my world.

I saw you walking topless among the banana fronds gently working the earth in the monsoon drizzle.

I covered your breasts with a kebaya like the morning dew and placed in your hands flowers.

I taught you how to prepare exotic food offerings with ingredients from your gardens.

I helped you build the many beautiful places of worship.

I reminded you every day to never forget the seen and unseen for your every breath and deed added to the aura of the isle.

The synergy between us created the meridian of hope, of love applauded by ceremonies.

But as the years grew you moved away from my embrace, creating your own world festooned with your ego. The created becoming the creator.

We lost each other in the urgency of the crowds massing across the isle. Crowds from far off lands.

You severed yourself from me… my old being – like a well-worn table at a warung that still served the multitude… the new you – like a plastic chair whose colour has faded in the noon day sun.

You didn’t recognise me sitting before you with gnarled fingers in a bowl of rice.

You didn’t recognise me walking down the road bent over by a load of produce from my small farm.

You didn’t hear my chants as I placed a small offering at the foot of a tree. My prayers to spirits drowned out by your raucous pageantry.

We became strangers living in a house once occupied by humbleness towards Nature, respect of the self, a celebration of the atman.

Now, as I stand alone watching the ebb and flow of life on the isle with the intermediaries of the absurd riding a black bull, I have just this to ask in all humility…

‘’Who are you?”

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om 


©Mark Ulyseas

The World’s Oldest Profession?

Live Encounters Magazine  July 2017
The Oldest Profession in the World? Cover feature by Dr Kate Lister, Researcher, Leeds Trinity University

This issue features:

Dr Kate Lister – The Oldest Profession in the World?
Mark Ulyseas – Divine Bovine: The Beef about Cows in India
Dr Margi Prideaux – Palm oil or tuna: intent or results
Aneela Zeb Babar – We Are All Revolutionaries Here
Randhir Khare – Remember and Resist
Dr Shanthie Mariet D’Souza – Regional power play in Afghanistan and India’s policy options
Dr Candess M Campbell – Stress
Udayan Dhar – The Perils and Politics of Gay Pride
Mikyoung Cha – Temppeliaukio Church
Ozlem Warren – Lighter Baklava with Hazelnuts
Patricia Fitzgerald – Mandala for July

Terry McDonagh’s book review of In Gethsemane

In Gethsemane : Transcripts of a Journey

Terry McDonagh’s book review – 

IN GETHSEMANE – Transcripts of a Journey – by Mark Ulyseas is ‘a book to gig and dip into’…it is a series of fascinating essays on philosophy, psychology, characters ‘on the road’ and in pubs in Bali; on the nature of Hinduism, life in Goa…it’s a book to take with you on the train…we meet Simone de Beauvoir, Oscar Wilde. The author says: ‘On my journey through many countries and the twilight zone, I have been fortunate to break bread with the blessed and the damned’. Human nature is frail. It can be dressed up in a suit and cloaked in hypocrisy but in our hearts, we are obsessive whores who long to talk; to tell our story in public and cry in private. These essays are real and surreal; they are emotional roller coasters that move us through worlds of rich language and cultures…and we are richer for having had the experience. A fascinating look at life through the eyes of a man who knows how to observe. – Terry McDonagh, Celebrated Irish Poet, Playwright and Writer

Ozlem Warren’s book review of RAINY

RAINY - My Friend and Philosopher by Mark Ulyseas

We all need Rainy the dog in our lives
by Ozlem Warren on 2 Jun. 2016
Format: Kindle Edition

Mark’s wonderful book gave me a very precious dose of pause to reflect, feel the gratitude, even at darker times; accept that there is a balance in the universe and it is this balance that sustains life. As Rainy says “You cannot change anything but what you can do is to make life enjoyable and bearable for all of those people in your life, seeking your love.” We all need Rainy the dog in our lives to remind what matters most.

Live Encounters Magazine August 2016

Live Encounters Magazine August 2016


Dr Namrata Goswami – Cover Feature – How Ethnic Identities Get Shaped
Ernie LaPointe – A Vision of the Future
Dr Benjamin Authers – A Culture of Rights
Dr Greta Sykes – Darwin for Educational Psychologists
Dr Ivo Coelho – Does Religion Have A Political Role?
Dr Lia Kent – Memory Frictions in Timor-Leste and Aceh Part II
Dr. Bibhu Prasad Routray – Unscrambling the Dhaka terror strike
Mikyoung Cha – España
Ozlem Warren – Ashure
Mark Ulyseas – Abide With Me